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Song Name: |
Stardust (Chromatic) |
By: |
Nat "King" Cole |
Posted By: |
WaltP |
Difficulty: |
Any |
Key: |
C |
Genre: |
Jazz |
Harp Type: |
Chromatic |
Audio: |
Created: |
2008-10-11 16:10:01 |
Modified: |
0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
Rating: |
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| | Fav Count: | 5 |
Want to make Stardust (Chromatic) sound awesome on your harmonica? Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons ->click here.
Song: |
M: Hoagy Carmichael
W: Mitchell Parish
9 10 9 -9 -8 8 -7 -8 -7 7
And now the pur-ple dusk of twi-light time
-6 6 -5* 6 8 -8 7* 6 5*
Steals a-cross the mea-dows of my heart
-5 -6 -7 -5 -6 -7 7 6 7 8
High up in the sky the lit-tle stars climb
-8 -4 -5* -7 -4 -5* -7 7 7 7
Al-ways re-mind-ing me that we�re a-part
9 10 9 -9 -8 8 -7 -8 -7 7
You wan-der down the lane and far a-way
-6 6 -5* 6 8 -8 7* 6 5*
Leav-ing me a song that will not die
-5 -6 -7 -5 -6 -7 7 6 7 8
Love is now the star-dust of yes-ter-day
7 -7 -6 7 6 -6 -5 5
The mu-sic of the years gone by
-8 8 8* -9 8 -7 -6 -5
Some-times I won-der why I spend
-6 -7 10 10
The lone-ly night
-9 8 7* -6 -5
Dream-ing of a song.
-9 8 7 8 -8 10 -8 7 6
The mel-o-dy haunts my rev-er-ie
-7 8 -7 -6 7 6 -6 -5
And I am once a-gain with you.
6 -5 7 7 7
When our love was new,
-5 6 7 -5 -5* 7 6 -7
and each kiss an in-spir-a-tion.
10 10 -9 8 -7 6
But that was long a-go,
-6* -8 -5 5* 5 -7
Now my con-so-la-tion
-5 7 7 -7 -9 -5 -7 7
Is in the star-dust of a song.
8 -9 8 -7 -6 -5 -6 -7 10 10
Be-side the gar-den wall, when stars are bright
-9 8 7* -6 -5
You are in my arms
-9 8 7 8 -8 10 -8 7 6
The night-in-gale tells his fair-y tale
-7 8 -7 -6 7 6 -6 -5
Of par-a-dise where ros-es grew.
6 -5 7 -6* -6
Though I dream in vain,
5 -5 6 7 8 10 -8
in my heart it will re-main
8 -9 8 -7-6 -7
My star-dust mel-o-dy
7 -7 -6 7 6 -6 -5 5
The mem-o-ry of loves re-frain.
Nat �King� Cole;
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