444-454 455-4-34 Bravely Bold Sir Robin rode forth to Camelot
444-4555 -46-5-55 He was not afraid to die O brave Sir Robin
4-45-5666 6666-44-3 He was not all afraid to be killed in nasty ways
4-45 5-44-4-4 Brave, Brave, Brave, Brave Sir Robin
4444-4544 He was not in the least bit scared
4-455-4-44 To be mashed into a pulp
444-4555 Or to have his eyes gouged out
-4-46-5-55 And his ellbows broken
34-45-5666 6666-55-4 To have his keecaps split and his body burned away
5-444-4-455 5-44-4-4 And his limbs all hacked and mangled Brave Sir Robin
5666 His head smashed in
-55-4-4-4 And his heart cut out
5-56666 And his liver removed
-55-4-4-4-4 And his bowls unplugged
5-56666 And his nostrils raped
-55-4-4-4-4 And his bottom burnt off
5-566---- And his penis