1.) 11 13 13 -14 13 11 -10 9 -10 11 Eyes like the morn- ing star_, cheeks like- a rose_,
11 13 13 13 -14 13 11 11 -10 -10 11 -10
Lau-ra was a pret-ty girl_,God all might-ty knows_
11 13 13 -14 13 13 -14 13 -14 15
Weep, all ye lit - tle rains, wail, wi- nds, wail,
13 -14 15 -14 13 -14 11 11 -10 9 -8 9 9
All a- long, a- long a- long the Col- o- rad- o trail….
2. Laura was a happy girl, smilin’ as the day,
Laura was a pleasant girl, now she’s gone away. Chorus
3. Sixteen years she graced the earth, and all life was good, Now all life is buried beneath a cross of wood. Chorus
4. Ride all the lonely night, ride all the day, Keep the herd a-rollin’ on, rollin’ on its way. Chorus
5. Black is the stormy night, dark is the sky, Wish I’d stayed in Abilene, nice and warm and dry. Chorus