slowly: 34 -44 -4 -4 -46 -55 -45 56 -6 -4466566 -6
tempo up: 34 -44 -4 -4 -46 -55 -45 56 -6 -4466566 -6
433 44 -433 35 -55 -44 -45 -553 3 -344 -3 -3 4 -4 -55 -44
55 -44 -43 3 -3 -3
433 44 -433 35 -55 -44 -45 -553 3 -344 -3 -3 4 -4 -55 -44
55 -44 -45 -55
44 -344 -3 -4 -44 -33 -344 -3 -4 -333
44 -344 -3 -4 -44 -34 -45 -55 -44 -45
34 -44 -4 -4 -46 -55 -45 56 -6 -44 -3 -33 -34 -34
[34 -44 -4 -4 -46 -55 -45 56 -6 -4466566 -6]x2
I took HarmoNick's tabs and shifted an octave down. In C, 3 is G and -3 is B. There is no A in between, so I've mapped all the A notes also to 3, but you can also try playing the A notes as -3''. This only sounds odd in a few places and sounds better than being an octave too high. |