Amazing Grace (semi-bluesy)
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Want to make Amazing Grace (semi-bluesy) sound awesome on your harmonica? Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons ->click here.
Tab guide: X+ (blow) X- (draw) X* (quarter step bend) Tabs: 1-, 2-, 3-*, 2-, 3-, 3-*, 2-, 2+, 1- 1-, 2-, 3-*, 2-, 3-, 3-, 4-, 5+, 4- 3-, 4-, 3-*, 2-, 3-, 3-*, 2-, 2+, 1- 1-, 2-, 3-*, 2-, 3-, 3-*, 2- (feel free to improvise when needed)
Tab guide:
X+ (blow)
X- (draw)
X* (quarter step bend)
1-, 2-, 3-*, 2-, 3-, 3-*, 2-, 2+, 1-
1-, 2-, 3-*, 2-, 3-, 3-, 4-, 5+, 4-
3-, 4-, 3-*, 2-, 3-, 3-*, 2-, 2+, 1-
1-, 2-, 3-*, 2-, 3-, 3-*, 2-
(feel free to improvise when needed)