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Song Name: |
All Hail To Thee, O Blessed Morn (chrom) |
By: |
Christmas carol |
Posted By: |
waltp |
Difficulty: |
Any |
Key: |
D |
Genre: |
Christmas |
Harp Type: |
Chromatic |
Audio: |
Created: |
2016-12-12 18:59:10 |
Modified: |
0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
Rating: |
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| | Fav Count: | 0 |
Want to make All Hail To Thee, O Blessed Morn (chrom) sound awesome on your harmonica? Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons ->click here.
Song: |
W: Earnest W. Olson
M: Philipp Nicolai
Christmas carol
Key: D
-1 -3 -2* -1 -3 -4 -4 -3
All hail to thee, O bless-ed morn!
-3 -4 4* -5 4* -4 -4 -3
To tid-ings long by proph-ets borne
-2* -4 -3 3 -2* 2 -1
Hast thou ful-fill-ment giv-en.
-1 -3 -2* -1 -3 -4 -4 -3
O sac-red and im-mor-tal day,
-3 -4 4* -5 4* -4 -4 -3
When un-to earth, in glo-rious ray,
-2* -4 -3 3 -2* 2 -1
Des-cends the grace of heav-en!
-3 -2* -3 -2* 3 -2* 2 -2*
Young and old their voic-es blend-ing,
3 -2* 2 -2* 3 -2* 2 -1
Praise are send-ing un-to heav-en
-5 4* -4 -3 3 -2* 2 -1
For the Sav-ior to us giv-en.
-1 -3 -2* -1 -3 -4 -4 -3
He comes, for our re-demp-tion sent,
-3 -4 4* -5 4* -4 -4 -3
And by His glo-ry heav�n is rent
-2* -4 -3 3 -2* 2 -1
To close up-on us nev-er;
-1 -3 -2* -1 -3 -4 -4 -3
Our bless-ed Shep-herd He would be,
-3 -4 4* -5 4* -4 -4 -3
Whom we may fol-low faith-ful-ly
-2* -4 -3 3 -2* 2 -1
To live with Him for-ev-er;
-3 -2* -3 -2* 3 -2* 2 -2*
Un-to realms of glo-ry wing-ing
3 -2* 2 -2* 3 -2* 2 -1
Prais-es sing-ing to the Fa-ther
-5 4* -4 -3 3 -2* 2 -1
And the Son, and Spir-it ev-er
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