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Song Name: |
Again (chrom) |
By: |
Doris Day |
Posted By: |
waltp |
Difficulty: |
Any |
Key: |
G |
Genre: |
General |
Harp Type: |
Chromatic |
Audio: |
Created: |
2016-07-21 11:21:52 |
Modified: |
0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
Rating: |
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| | Fav Count: | 0 |
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Song: |
AGAIN chrom
W: Dorcas Cochran
M: Lionel Newman
Doris Day
Key: G
-5 7 6 -6* 7 -7 -8 -9 -6*
A-gain. This could-n't hap-pen a-gain.
6 -6* 7 -7 -6* -7 6 -5
This is that once in a life-time.
5 -5 5 -5* -5 -4
This is the thrill di-vine.
-5 7 6 -6* 7 -7 -8 -9 -6*
What's more, this nev-er hap-pened be-fore,
6 -6* 7 -7 -6* -7 6 -5
Though I have prayed for a life-time,
5 -5 5 -5* -5 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8
That such as you would sud-den-ly be mine.
-8 -9 9 7 -7 -8 -8 -8 -8
Mine to hold as I'm hold-ing you now
-7 7 -6* -5 -4 -6
And yet nev-er so near.
-8 -9 9 7 -7 -7*
Mine to have when the now
-7* -7* -9* -7* 9 -9
and the here dis-ap-pear.
8 -8 8 -8 -7
What mat-ters, dear, for
7 6 -6* 7 -7 -8 -9 -6*
When this does not hap-pen a-gain.
6 -6* 7 -7 -6* -7 6 -5
We'll have this mo-ment for-ev-er,
5 -5 -5* -7*-7* -5 7
But nev-er, nev-er a-gain.
6 -6* 7 -7 -6* -7 6 -5
We'll have this mo-ment for-ev-er,
5 -5 -5* -7*-7* -5 7
But nev-er, nev-er a-gain.
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