“Farewell to Tarwathie”
I tinkered with this to make it easier and more fun to play.
So if you are a traditionalist play line one (-6 6 6 -6) and lines two and four (-3' 3 3 -3) as -3'' 3 3 -3''.
4 5 4 4 -6 6 6 -6 4 -4 5
A-dieu to my com-rades for awhile we must part
4 5 4 4 -3’ 3 3 -3 4 -4 4
And like-wise the las-sie who’s sto-len my heart
5-4 4 5 6 -6 6 5 -4 4 -4 5
I’m bound off for Green-land and read-y to sail
4-4 5 4 4 -3’ 3 3 -3 4 -4 4
In hopes to find rich-es from hunt-ing the whale
Our ship she’s well rig-ged and re-ady to sail
Our crew they are an-xious to fol-low the whale
Where the ice-bergs do float and the storm-y winds blow
Where the land and the o-cean is cov-er’d with snow
The cold land of green-land is bar-ren and bare
No seed time or har-vest is e-ver known there
The birds here sing sweet-ly on moun-tain and dale
But there is nae a bird to sing to the whale