1000 Miles (Of Misery) - HarpTabs.com

1000 Miles (Of Misery)

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Song Name: 1000 Miles (Of Misery) By: Dwight Yoakam
Posted By: Turkey_Man Difficulty: Any
Key: E Genre: Country
Harp Type: Diatonic Audio:
Created: 2015-02-13 08:39:05 Modified: 2015-02-13 08:39:05
Rating: Login to VoteAvg Rating:More Votes Needed
Fav Count:2

Want to make 1000 Miles (Of Misery) sound awesome on your harmonica? Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons ->click here.



The song is tabbed for the low in key of E.  The High tab sounds nice on an A harmonica.


 8   9  -109     9     -8 7  8

 5   6   -66     6     -4 4  5

Run-way four---flight two o nine---


  8    9   -10     9  -8   -8  -87-6 6-5

  5    6    -6     6  -4   -4  -44-3’’-2-2’’

Tear-drop falls—--we start to climb-----


 7   -9  -99  9   -109   9  8    -8

 4   -5  -56  6    -66   6  5    -4

This win-dow seat proved a poor choice--- 


-6   7   -6    7    -6     8    8  -87

-3’’ 4   -3’’  4    -3’’   5    5  -44 

It shows the dream—that’s been de-stroyed---



7  8   9 -10 9     8   7   89-87

4  5   6  -6 6     5   4   56-44

A lit-tle ba-by starts to cry-----


 7   8   9  -10     9 -8   8   7

 4   5   6   -6     6 -4   5   4

Hey, I would too---if not for pride--- 


7 -9  -99  9  -9   9    9    8-8

4 -5  -56  6  -5   5    6    5-4

I owe so—much—to pride—it’s true---


-6   7     -6   7 -6  8  8  -87 

-3’’ 4     -3’’ 4 -3’’5  5  -44 

It brought an end—to me and you---



 7  8  9 -10   -10 -10  9  -9-10109-9

 4  5  6  -6    -6  -6  6  -5-6 76-5 

But if I could—I’d turn—a-round---


-9   9 -10   9 -109  8   -87

-5   6  -6   6  -66  5   -44 

Set my feet—back—on the ground---


 7     8    9    9   -10   9     8  8-8-7-6 6 

 4     5    6    6    -6   6     5  5-4-3-3’’-2 

Cause all this plane—ride holds—for me---


-5   -5  -6    7   -887  -6  7  -8 -87

-2’’ -2’’-3’’  4   -454  -3’’4  -4 -44 

 Is   a  thou-sand miles—of mis-er-y---




7  8    9 -10   9     8     7    8 

4  5    6  -6   6     5     4    5 

I hear the en-gines, watch the clouds—

(Pick up and repeat from: “Tear-drop falls“)


Whole damn world—looks dis-tant now--- 

But I can’t seem—to—put—no space---

In my cold heart and your sweet face---


A-cross the aisle—their hold-ing hands--- 

Re-veal-ing brand—new wed-ding bands----

But our sweet-gold—it’s gone---to rust,-- 

Now my life—has turned to dust--- 


But if I could—I’d turn—a-round---

Set my feet—back—on the ground---

Cause all this plane—ride holds—for me--- 

Is a thou-sand miles—of mis-er-y---






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