Fear of the Dark. - HarpTabs.com

Fear of the Dark.

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Song Name: Fear of the Dark. By: Iron Maiden
Posted By: ,,, Difficulty: Any
Key: F Genre: Rock
Harp Type: Diatonic Audio:
Created: 2013-09-28 16:04:42 Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Rating: Login to VoteAvg Rating:More Votes Needed
Fav Count:10

Want to make Fear of the Dark. sound awesome on your harmonica? Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons ->click here.


Low F recommended.


2 -3” -3  4  -4   4    -3 -2

I am   a man who walks alone

-2   -2  -2” -2” 4   4  -4   -3”

And when I'm walking a dark road

2   -3” -3   4  -4      4     -3   3

At night or strolling through the park


-3”  -3    4   -4 4   -3   3

When the light begins to change

2  -2  2      3  4  4 -4   -3”

I sometimes feel a little strange

2 -3” 3   4 -4    4    -3    3

A little anxious when it's dark.


-3”  -2 -2”  -2”   4   4   -3  4

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark

-2” 4  -3” 4 -3”    4    -4   5  -4      4 -3”   -3”

 I have a constant fear that something's always near

-3”  -3” -2  -2”    4   4 -3   4

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark

4   4 -3 4 -3 4  -4   5 -4     4 -3”   -3”

I have a phobia that someone's always there


-6    5  -6   -7   7  7    -7  -7   -6

Have you run your fingers down the wall

-6   -6  -7    7   -8   7    -6    6

And have you felt your neck skin crawl

 -6   -7     7  -8     8  -9    8

When you're searching for the light?

-6  5      -6   -7      7    -8  7  -7  -6

Sometimes when you're scared to take a look

-6 -7   7 -8  7  -7   -6

At the corner of the room

 -6     -6     -7   7  -8       8 -9     8

You've sensed that something's watching you.


 7   7  -7   7     8   8  -8   8

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark

7  7   7  7 -8 7      7   -8    8  -8     -8 -6  7 -6

I have a co-n-stant fear that something's always near

 7   7  -7    7    8   8  -8   8 -8

Fear of the dark, fear of the da-rk

7  7   7 7 7 7   -8   8 -8     -8 -6   -6

I have a phobia that someone's always there


-6    5 -6 -7  7   -8 7  -7   6

Have you ever been alone at night

  8      8    8    -8  -8   -6 -6

Thought you heard footsteps behind

 5   -6     -7 7  -8  7   -7    -6

And turned around and no one's there?

-6  -6 -7   7  -8  7   -7   6

And as you quicken up your pace

-7   -7  6   7   7  -8   -8 -6

You find it hard to look again

-6 -6    -7     7    -8      -8 8   -8  -9

Because you're sure there's someone the-re


 7   7  -7   7     8   8  -8   8

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark

7  7   7  7 -8 7      7   -8    8  -8     -8 -6  7 -6

I have a co-n-stant fear that something's always near

 7   7  -7    7    8   8  -8   8 -8

Fear of the dark, fear of the da-rk

7  7   7 7 7 7   -8   8 -8     -8 -6   -6

I have a phobia that someone's always there


-9    8 -8    8     8  -8  7   -8   

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark,

 8   -8  7   -8    8    8  8   8

fear of the dark, fear of the dark



-6   5   -6 -7   7    -8   7     -7 6

Watching horror films the night before

 8 8 8    8 -8   -8   -6 -6

Debating witches and folklore

 5   -6 -7   7 -8    7   -7   6

The unknown troubles on your mind

-6 -6  -7   7   -8  7 -7     6

Maybe your mind is playing tricks

-7   -7     6   7 7 -8   -8  -6

You sense, and suddenly eyes fix

-6 -6 -6    7 -8    -8   8 -9

On dancing shadows from behind.


7   7  -7   7     8   8  -8   8

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark

7  7   7  7 -8 7      7   -8    8  -8     -8 -6  7 -6

I have a co-n-stant fear that something's always near

 7   7  -7    7    8   8  -8   8 -8

Fear of the dark, fear of the da-rk

7  7   7 7 7 7   -8   8 -8     -8 -6   -6

I have a phobia that someone's always there



-3”   -3  4 -4   4  -3   3

When I'm walking a dark road

-1 -2 -1 -2”  4   4    -4 -3”

 I am  a man who walks alone

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