Lemon Tree for C - HarpTabs.com

Lemon Tree for C

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Song Name: Lemon Tree for C By: Fools Garden
Posted By: grob Difficulty: Beginner
Key: C Genre: General
Harp Type: Diatonic Audio:
Created: 2015-01-11 09:12:03 Modified: 2015-01-11 09:12:03
Rating: Login to VoteAvg Rating:More Votes Needed
Fav Count:22

Want to make Lemon Tree for C sound awesome on your harmonica? Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons ->click here.


Okay, the score was stolen from here: http://www.doktus.de/dok/45121/fools-garden---lemon-tree.html

It's not quite the way I'd sing it, I put some strange stuff into brackets that are in
the written version yet sounded odd to me. Well, any further variation is up to you.



-7   -7  -7   8    8 8 -6  -6   -8 
I'm sit-ting here in a bor-ing room

-7    -7  -7  -7 -7  -7 -6  6   6  -6 -6  -7
It's just an-oth-er rai-ny Sun-day af-ter-noon

-7   -7   -7 -7  8
I'm wast-ing my time

8  8   -6  -6  -6 -8
I got noth-ing to do

-6   -6   -6 6  -6
I'm hang-ing a-round

-6   -6  -6   -6  -7
I'm wait-ing for you

-8   -6   -6 -6 6  -6  -7   -6 -7  -6  6 5
But noth-ing ev-er hap-pens and I won-de-er

-7   -7  -7  -7 8
I'm driv-ing a-round

-6 -6 -8 
in my car

-7   -7  -7  -7   -7 
I'm driv-ing too fast

-7   -6  -6  -6  -7
I'm driv-ing too far

-7   -7  -7   8    9   9b   -8  -7
I'd like to change my point of view

-6 -6  6   -6  -7
I feel so lone-ly

 6   -6  -6   -6  -7
I'm wait-ing for you

-8   -6   -6 -6 6  -6  -7   -6 -7  -6  6 5
But noth-ing ev-er hap-pens and I won-de-er


-4 -7  7  -8
I  won-der how

-7 -8  8  -6
I won-der why

 6   6   6   6   6   6    6   -6   -7   -8  -7
Yes-ter-day you told me 'bout the blue blue sky

-7   -6  6   6  6  -6  -4   6  6  6   6  -6 -7   -7
and all that I can see is just a yel-low le-mon tree

-4   -7  -7  7   -8  -8  8   -6
I'm turn-ing my head up and down

-6   6    6   6    6    6   6   6    -6  -7  -7  -8  -7
I'm turn-ing turn-ing turn-ing turn-ing turn-ing a-round

-8  -8  7   7  -7  -7  -6  -6  -6 -6  6  -7  6   -6
and all that I can see is just an-oth-er le-mon tree

 -8    -7
Sing: Dab

-7  7  -8  7  -7 -7  8  -7
da da  da da dab di dab da

-7  7  -8  7  -7 8  -6  -6
da da  da da dab di dab da

7    -7   6   5
Dab, dib, di, da


-7  -7  -7    8
I'm sit-ting here

8  -6 (-7) -8 (-8)
I miss the pow-er

-6   -7  -7 -7  -7
I'd like to go out

-6  -6  -6 -7  (-7)
tak-ing a show-er,

  -7    -7 -7 -7   8   9   9o  -8  -7
there's a heav-y cloud in-side my head

-6 -6   6 -6 (-6)
I feel so ti-red

-6  -6  -6  -6 -6  -7
Put my-self in-to bed

 -8     -6   -6 -6 6  -6  -7    -6 -7 -6  6 5
Where, noth-ing ev-er hap-pens and I won-de-er

-7 7 7   -7  -6 -6   -6   6  5
I-so-la-tion is not good for me

-6-6 -7  -6  6   6    -6  6  -7  -7-6 -7 -6   -7
I-so-la-tion I don't want to sit on a le-mon tree

-7   -7   -7  -7 8    8  8 -6  -6  -6  -8
I'm step-pin' a-round in a des-ert of joy

-7 -7 -7-7 -7   -6   6  6  -6  -6  -7
Ba-by an-y-how I'll get an-oth-er toy,

-8   -6 -6  -6    6    -6 -7   -6 -7  -6  6 5
and eve-ry-thing will hap-pen and you'll won-de-er.

CHORUS. For the end, instead of the "Sing: Dab..."-Part:

-8  -8  8 -8    8  -8   -7
And I won-der, won-der, oh,

-7 -7  7  -8
I won-der how,

-7 -8  8  -6
I won-der why

 6   6   6   6   6   6    6   -6   -7   -8  -7
Yes-ter-day you told me 'bout the blue blue sky

-8  -8   7   7  -7  -6 
and all that I can see

-8   8   -8  -8 -7 -6
and all that I can see

-8   8   -8  9 -7 -6
and all that I can see

-6  -6  -6 -6  -7  -6 6   6
is just an-oth-er le-mon tree.

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