Hotel California - Eagles -

Hotel California - Eagles

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Song Name: Hotel California - Eagles By: Eagles
Posted By: thco Difficulty: Any
Key: Any Genre: General
Harp Type: Diatonic Audio:
Created: 2013-01-23 12:38:42 Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Rating: Login to VoteAvg Rating:More Votes Needed
Fav Count:54

Want to make Hotel California - Eagles sound awesome on your harmonica? Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons ->click here.

8  8  8   -8  -8   -8   8     8   8  -8  -8  -8
On a dark des-ert high-way, Cool wind in my hair

  8    8   -8 -8 -8  8    8   8   8   -8    -8  -8 7 -6
Warm smell of co-li-tas, Ris-ing up through the air--

8  -9  8  -8  7   7    8   7 -8  8  8   -8   7    7
Up a-head in the dis-tance I saw a shim-mer-ing light

-7  -8   -8  -8  -8 -8   7  -8     7  -8
My head grew hea-vy,and my sight grew dim

7  8   8  8   -8  -8    8
I had to stop for the night

  8    8    -9   8  8   -9   8
There she stood in the door-way

-7  8    8   8   -8   -8
I heard the mis-sion bell

 6 -8 -8   -8    7  -8 -8  8
And I was think-ing to my-self

  8    8    8  8   8  8    8   -8   -8  -8 7 -6
This could be Hea-ven or this could be  Hell--

  8   8   8  -8 7 -8   8  -6   6    8    -8  7  7
Then she lit up a can-dle And she showed me the way

 -8    -8   7  -8   -8   7   -8  7  -8
There were voi-ces down the cor-ri-dor

-8  8    -8   8     9  -8
I thought I heard them say


-9  -9   -9 -9  -9  -9  -9  9 -9 -9 8  8
Wel-come to the Ho-tel Cal--i-for--nia

  8  8  8   -8  -8     8   8   8  -8   -8
Such a love-ly place, Such a love-ly place (background)

  7  -8 -8   7  7
Such a love-ly face

  8  -9 -9  -9  -9  -9 -9 -9   9 -9 -9 8  8
Plen-ty of room at the Ho-tel Cal-i-for--nia

-8 8  8   -8  -8  -8 8  8   -8  -8
An-y time of year,An-y time of year (background)

-8   -9  -9   8   8  -8  -9   -9   8  8
You can find it here You can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany twisted
She's got the Mercedes Benz
She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard,
Sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember,
some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain,
Please bring me my wine
He said, We haven't had
that spirit here since 1969 
And still those voices
are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say


Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely Place,
Such a lovely Place (background)
Such a lovely face,
They're livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise,
What a nice surprise (background)
Bring your alibies

Mir-rors on the ceil-ing,Pink cham-pagne on ice
And she said, We are all just pris-on-ers here
Of our own de-vice 
And in the mast-er's cham-bers
They gath-ered for the feast
They stab it with their steel-y knives
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I re-mem-ber,
I was run-ning for the door
I had to find the pas-sage back
to the place I was be-fore
Re-lax said the night-man,
 We are pro-gramed to re-cieve
You can check out an-y time you like

 8   8   8   8  8     8  
But you can nev-er leave

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