[code] Silent Night! Holy Night! (Diatonic Solos) Music By Franz Gruber Words by Joseph Mohr Key of C Major Range C4 to F5
Tab notations: none = blow - = draw ___ = hold ” = full step bend
3__-3” 3 2___ 3__-3” 3 2___ 1. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night! 2. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night! 3. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night! 4. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night!
-4__ -4_-3 -3___ 4__ 4_3 3___ 1. All is___ calm, All is bright 2. Shep-herds quake at the sight! 3. Son of___ God, love's pure light 4. Wond-rous_ star, lend thy light!
-3”__ -3” 4__-3 -3” 3___-3” 3 2___ 1. Round yon Vir__- gin, Moth-er and Child 2. Glor_-ies stream from heav-en a - far; 3. Rad - iant beams from Thy_ ho-ly face, 4. With the an___- gels let_ us sing
-3”__ -3” 4____-4 -3” 3__-3” 3 2___ 1. Ho___– ly_ In__-fant so Ten-der and mild, 2. Heav’n¬-ly hosts_____ sing Al-le- lu- ia! 3. With the dawn of re – deem - ing grace, 4. Al – le – lu- ia to our_______ King!
-4__ -4 -5__ -4 -3 4___5___ 1. Sleep in heav –en - ly peace,__ 2. Christ the Sav - iour is born!___ 3. Je__ - sus Lord at thy birth;__ 4. Christ the Sav - iour is here,___
4__-2 2 -2__ -2” -1 1______ 1. Sleep in heav–en- ly peace._ 2. Christ the Sav-iour is born!__ 3. Je__ - sus Lord at thy birth._ 4. Jesus the Sav-iour is here!__
Easier version:
6__-6 6 5___ 6__-6 6 5___ 1. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night! 2. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night! 3. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night! 4. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night!
-8__ -8_-7 -7___ 7__ 7_6 6___ 1. All is___ calm, All is bright 2. Shep-herds quake at the sight! 3. Son of___ God, love's pure light 4. Wond-rous_ star, lend thy light!
-6__ -6 7__-7 -6 6___-6 6 5___ 1. Round yon Vir__- gin, Moth-er and Child 2. Glor_-ies stream from heav-en a - far; 3. Rad - iant beams from Thy_ ho-ly face, 4. With the an___- gels let_ us sing
-6__ -6 7____-7 -6 6__-6 6 5___ 1. Ho___– ly_ In__-fant so Ten-der and mild, 2. Heav’n¬-ly hosts_____ sing Al-le- lu- ia! 3. With the dawn of re – deem - ing grace, 4. Al – le – lu- ia to our_______ King!
-8__ -8 -9__ -8 -7 7___8___ 1. Sleep in heav –en - ly peace,__ 2. Christ the Sav - iour is born!___ 3. Je__ - sus Lord at thy birth;__ 4. Christ the Sav - iour is here,___
7___6 5 6___ -5 -4 4_______ 1. Sleep in heav–en- ly peace.__ 2. Christ the Sav-iour is born!__ 3. Je__ - sus Lord at thy birth._ 4. Jesus the Sav-iour is here!__