Silent Night! Holy Night! (Diatonic Solos) -

Silent Night! Holy Night! (Diatonic Solos)

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Song Name: Silent Night! Holy Night! (Diatonic Solos) By: Franz Gruber & Joseph Mohr
Posted By: EarthDogHarpin Difficulty: Any
Key: C Genre: Christmas
Harp Type: Diatonic Audio: Silent Night! Holy Night! (Diatonic Solos)
Created: 2012-12-16 10:04:49 Modified: 2013-03-12 12:02:15
Rating: Login to VoteAvg Rating:More Votes Needed
Fav Count:10

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Silent Night! Holy Night! (Diatonic Solos)
Music By Franz Gruber    Words by Joseph Mohr
Key of C Major    Range C4 to F5

Tab notations:
none = blow    - = draw    ___ = hold
” = full step bend

   3__-3” 3    2___   3__-3” 3  2___
1. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night!
2. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night!
3. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night!
4. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night!

   -4__ -4_-3 -3___ 4__   4_3  3___
1. All  is___ calm, All   is   bright
2. Shep-herds quake at    the  sight!
3. Son  of___ God, love's pure light
4. Wond-rous_ star, lend  thy  light!

   -3”__ -3” 4__-3  -3”  3___-3” 3   2___
1. Round yon Vir__- gin, Moth-er and Child
2. Glor_-ies stream from heav-en a - far;
3. Rad - iant beams from Thy_ ho-ly  face,
4. With  the an___- gels let_ us  sing

   -3”__  -3”  4____-4    -3” 3__-3”  3   2___
1. Ho___– ly_  In__-fant  so  Ten-der and mild,
2. Heav’n¬-ly   hosts_____ sing Al-le- lu- ia!
3. With   the  dawn of    re – deem - ing grace,
4. Al  –  le – lu-  ia    to   our_______ King!

   -4__   -4  -5__  -4   -3  4___5___
1. Sleep  in  heav –en - ly  peace,__
2. Christ the Sav - iour is  born!___
3. Je__ - sus Lord  at   thy birth;__
4. Christ the Sav - iour is  here,___

   4__-2  2   -2__ -2” -1 1______
1. Sleep  in  heav–en- ly peace._
2. Christ the Sav-iour is  born!__
3. Je__ - sus Lord at  thy birth._
4. Jesus  the Sav-iour is  here!__

Easier version:

   6__-6  6    5___   6__-6  6  5___
1. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night!
2. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night!
3. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night!
4. Si____-lent night! Ho____-ly night!

   -8__ -8_-7 -7___ 7__   7_6  6___
1. All  is___ calm, All   is   bright
2. Shep-herds quake at    the  sight!
3. Son  of___ God, love's pure light
4. Wond-rous_ star, lend  thy  light!

   -6__  -6  7__-7  -6   6___-6  6   5___
1. Round yon Vir__- gin, Moth-er and Child
2. Glor_-ies stream from heav-en a - far;
3. Rad - iant beams from Thy_ ho-ly  face,
4. With  the an___- gels let_ us  sing

   -6__   -6   7____-7    -6  6__-6   6   5___
1. Ho___– ly_  In__-fant  so  Ten-der and mild,
2. Heav’n¬-ly   hosts_____ sing Al-le- lu- ia!
3. With   the  dawn of    re – deem - ing grace,
4. Al  –  le – lu-  ia    to   our_______ King!

   -8__   -8  -9__  -8   -7  7___8___
1. Sleep  in  heav –en - ly  peace,__
2. Christ the Sav - iour is  born!___
3. Je__ - sus Lord  at   thy birth;__
4. Christ the Sav - iour is  here,___

   7___6  5   6___ -5  -4 4_______
1. Sleep  in  heav–en- ly peace.__
2. Christ the Sav-iour is  born!__
3. Je__ - sus Lord at  thy birth._
4. Jesus  the Sav-iour is  here!__


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