Air on a G string.......................
Tabbed for playing on a G chromatic
Harmonica... naturally 4/4 time
I have inserted some time marking
they are as follows eg
-7.... play tabb for four beats
-9’ play tabb for ½ beat
6.’ Play for 1 and ½ beat
/ / are measure/bar lines
Section 1
//:-7..../..../.-9’-8<’ 7’-6’6’-6’/6.’-5’ 5../
9..../’-7’-5<’-5’7’-6<’ 9’-8<’/-8<..../
6’-5’-5’6’-6’-6’6’-5/5.... ://
Repeat upper section and continue
Into next below
Section 2
6..-6’6’-5’6’/5... 9./
-7<’-7’-6’ 6’-5’6’-6’7’/-6..../
6.. -5.-6’-7’/7...-6’-9’/9’-8’-7. 7.8’5’/
-5.’6’-6../6...-5’ 5’/
8..-7<.-7<’5’/6’ 7’-7<..-7<’ 7’/
6.7’-7<’-5.5’7’/-7’-7<’-7.7.-6’6’/5.' 6’-7..
finish on a musical pause at