Melodies of life -

Melodies of life

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Song Name: Melodies of life By: Uematsu Nobuo , Alexander O. Smith, Hiroyuki Ito , Shiratori Emiko
Posted By: ryudevil Difficulty: Intermediate
Key: Any Genre: Pop
Harp Type: Diatonic Audio:
Created: 2012-07-20 14:40:12 Modified: 2012-07-26 13:35:25
Rating: Login to VoteAvg Rating:More Votes Needed
Fav Count:5

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3   5   5  -4   4  
A-lone for a while,

4    -3     -3"   -3   4      -4    3
I've been search-ing through the dark.

3    -3" -3  4 -3"  -3"
For trac-es of the love

3     4   5  -5  5    4   5  -5
you left in-side my lone-ly heart.

5    6   6  -6    6  -5
To weave by pick-ing up

-5   5   5   -4  -4  5 -5
the pie-ces that re-main.

5  -4  4   -3"   4  4
Me-lo-dies of   li-fe,

-4        5  -5 -4
love's lost re-frain.

3     5     5   -4   4
Our paths they did cross,

4     -3  -3"   -3  4   -4   3
though I  can  not say just why.
3   -3" -3    4     -3" -3" 3   4
We met, we laughed, we held on fast,

5    -5  5   4     5   -4
and then we said good-bye.

5     6     6   -6  6  -5
And who'll hear the e-choes

-5  5   5   -4 -4   5 -5
of sto-ries ne-ver told?

5    -5   4   -3"   4
Let them ring out loud,

-4     5  -5  -4
till they un-fold.

-5  5  -4  5   -3  4  -4
In my dea-rest me-mo-ries,

36  66  -5    5    -4  4  -4  5
I   see you reach-ing out to  me.

-5       5     -4
Though you're gone,

5   -5     5  -4    4
I  still  be-lieve that


-3   4   5    6  -5  -4
you can call out my name.

4      -4   5   -3
Voice from the past,

-3    4   -3    3   -3"
join-ing yours and mine.

-3" -5   5  5   -4 -4 4
Ad-ding up the lay ers

-3" -3  4  -4
of  har-mo-ny.
4   -4  5   6     5  -3 -3"
And so  it goes, on and on.

-5  5  5   -4   -4
Me-lo-dies of  life,

-4    6  -5-5  5   5
to   the sky   be-yond,

-4   5  -5   6
the fly-ing birds,

5 -5 5 -3 -4 -4   4   4
f-or-ev-e--r and be-yond.

4   -4      5     -3
if   i   should life

-3    -3   4   -3   3   -3"

this lone-ly  heart be-hind

-3"    -5    5    5    -4 -4   4  -3"  -3  4  -4

your voice will still  re-mem-ber of   me-lo-dies

4     -4   5     6    5   -3 -3"  -5  5  5   -4  -4
Now   i   know we'll  ca-rry on   me-lo-dies of li-fe

-4      6   -5  -5   5     5    -4   5 -5    6
came circle a-round and growth deep in our heart

5   -5  5  -3 -4 -4   4 4
as long as we re-mem-ber

"=two halfstep bend need for play it .... butuh  two halfstep bend
the symbol i used is number meaning the hole u must blow-draw....and  -  infrontof the number  meaning that it must be draw( dihisap) and if not symbol infront of it meaning u blow it(sebul)

 if u want more porper spacing result  try my blog link thx .... i can't  change it the space in here cuz in edit mode it proper but the result are very different

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