Key Bb ¾ time
-3< 4 4 -3< -3< -3 -3< -3< -3
You are ev-‘ry-/where/ev-‘ry-where you’re/
-3 3 -3 -3 3 3 -1 -1<~~~
there /night and day you/share with/me---/
~~ 4 -5 -5 4 4
-- */tho’ I know you’ve/gone /
-3< 4 4 -3< -3< -3 -3< -3< -3
you still lin-ger/on /you’re a haunt-ing/
-3 2< -1~~~~ 2< -3< 4 4 -3< -3<
mem-o-/ry--/- * I/walk an emp-ty/street /
-3 -3< -3< -3 -3 3 -2< 3
and some-how we/meet /yet no-one’s/
3< 3 -5<~~~~~ -5< -5< -5 -5 -5
there but/me----/- * tho’/now I’m on my/
4 5< -5 5 5 -3< -3< -4
own I’ll/nev-er walk a-/lone for/
5 3 5 -5< 5 -3< -3<~~~~~~
you are ev-‘ry-/where with/me---/--- //