Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through (complete) -

Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through (complete)

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Song Name: Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through (complete) By: Meatloaf
Posted By: ,,, Difficulty: Any
Key: C Genre: Rock
Harp Type: Diatonic Audio:
Created: 2012-02-10 04:11:51 Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Rating: Login to VoteAvg Rating:More Votes Needed
Fav Count:6

Want to make Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through (complete) sound awesome on your harmonica? Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons ->click here.


 5    5    5  5 5 -4 -4 -4 4

You can't run a-wa-y forever

 5    5     -5 -5    -5   -5   -5  5  -4  5    5    -4

But there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start

-4  -4   -4  5    5  -4    5

You want to shut out the night,

-4  -4   4  -4    4   4   -4

You want to shut down the sun

 4   4   4   -4 -4 -4 -4  -4 4   4 -3” 4 4   -3 -3” 3

You want to shut away the pieces of a broken he-ar-t


  5    5  5   5    5   -4  -4 -4 4

Think of how we'd lay down together

 5   5   -5  -5   -5 -5  -5 5 -4  5   5    5   5   -4   

We'd be listening to the  radio   so loud and so strong

-4 -4  5  5  -4  5   5 -4   -4  4  -4   4  4  -4

Every golden nugget coming like a gift of the gods

 -4 -4  -4    -4    -4     4   4 -3”   4  4    4   -3 -3” 3

Someone must have blessed us when he gave us those so-n-gs


5  -5  5    -4   5    5 -5 5  -4   4  -4 5  5

I treasure your love, I never want to lo-se it

-5     -5     -5    -5   6 6  6  -4 4 

You've been through the fires of he-ll

 5  5  -5    5    -5   5  -5 5  4   4    -4

And I know you've got the ashes to prove it

5  -5  5    -4   5    5  5   5   -5   5  -4  4  -4 5  5

I treasure your love, I want to show you how to u-se it

-5     -5    -5    -5 -5 -5   6   6   6  -4 4 

You've been through a lot of pain in the di-rt

 5  5  -5    5    -5   5   -5 5  4   4    -4

And I know you've got the sca-rs to prove it


4 -6 -6  -6 -6  6   -4  -4   -4  5

Remember everything that I told you,

 4   4   -6 -6  -6  -6 6    6   6    5

And I'm telling you again that it's true

 4     4    4 -6  -6   -6 6    6   -6     -7 7 7    -7 -6

When you're alone and afraid, and you're completely amazed

5    5    5      -5 5    -5 5 -5 5   4  -4

To find there's nothing   anybody   can do



-3   -3 -3 4 -3     3   5      5 5 -4  4 -4

Keep on believing, and you'll discover baby

  5     -5 5    -4  4    -4 5

There's always something magic,

  5     -5 5    -4  5     5  

There's always something new

-5  -5    5  -5 -5  -5 -5   6   6  6   -4

And when you really really need it the most

 5      5    -5   -5  5 -4  -4 4    4    -4

That's when rock and ro-ll dreams come through

 5  -5    5  -4    4 -4 5

The beat is yours forever,

 5   -5   5  -4 5   5  

The beat is always true

-5  -5    5  -5 -5  -5 -5   6   6  6   -4

And when you really really need it the most

 5      5    -5   -5  5 -4  -4 4    4    -4      

That's when rock and ro-ll dreams come through



 4   4

for you



 5   5 5  5   5  -4 -4  -4  4

Once upon a time was a backbeat,

-5  -5 -5 -5  -5   5  -4    5      5  5   -4

Once upon  a time all the chords came to life

-4  -4   5  5  -4    5  5 -4 -4  4 -4   4    4   -4

And the angels had guitars even before they had wings

4   4   -4 -4 -4 -4  -4 4   4  -3”  4   4       4  -3 -3” 3 

If you hold on to a chorus you can get through the ni-gh-t


4 -6 -6  -6 -6  6   -4  -4   -4  5

Remember everything that I told you,

 4   4   -6 -6  -6  -6 6    6   6    5

And I'm telling you again that it's true

 4     -6 -6 -6 6   6    -6  -7   7  7   -7   -6

You're never alone cause you can put on the phones

 5   5   5   -5 5    -5   5    -5    5   4  -4

And let the drummer tell your heart what to do




 6   6

For you



5    5   5   -4   -4 -4 4 -3 4

The beat is yours for-e-e-e-ver

-4      5    -5  -5  5 -4    -4    4     4

That's when rock and ro-ll dreams come through


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