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Want to make America (My Country Tis of Thee)4th Chrom sound awesome on your harmonica? Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons ->click here.
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America (My Country, �Tis of Thee) 4th Harp Chromatic
Music by Henry Carey
Lyrics by Samuel Francis Smith & Henry Van Dyke (verses 5 & 6)
Key of G Major Range C3 to D4 3/4 Time
This is the 4th harpist�s part of America (My Country, �Tis of Thee) Harp Quartet for Chromatic. It requires either a 16 hole chromatic OR a 12 hole Tenor �C� chromatic.
Tab Notations: none = blow - = draw * = button in
____= hold . = lower register (Notes below Middle C; first 4 of either 16 hole chromatic or 12 hole Tenor �C� chromatic)
1. My coun-try �tis__ of thee,
2. My na - tive coun- try, thee,
3. Let mu - sic swell the breeze,
4. Our fa - ther's God to, Thee,
5. We love thine in_ - land seas,
6. Thy sil--ver Eas - tern strands,
4th .3 .2 .1 -.1__ -.1 -.1
1. Sweet land of lib � er - ty,
2. Land of the no_ - ble free,
3. And ring from all__ the trees
4. Au -- thor of li_ - ber- ty,
5. Thy groves and gi__- ant trees,
6. Thy Gold - en Gate that stands,
4th .3 .2 .1 -.1__ -.1* .2
1. Of thee I sing__:
2. Thy name I love__.
3. Sweet free-dom's song.
4. To Thee we sing.
5. Thy roll-ing plains;
6. Front-ing the West;
4th .1 -.1 -.1 .3
1. Land where my fa - thers died!
2. I love thy rocks and rills,
3. Let mor - tal tongues a - wake;
4. Long may our land be bright
5. Thy riv - er�s migh -- ty sweep,
6. Thy Flow � �ry South � land fair,
4th .3 -.4 -1 .3____ .3 .3
1. Land of the Pil -- grim's pride!
2. Thy woods and tem -- pled hills;
3. Let all that breathe par - take;
4. With free-- dom's ho___ - ly light;
5. Thy my -- stic can__ - yons deep,
6. Thy North�s sweet, crys - tal air:
4th -.1 -.2* -.3 -.1__ -.1 -.1
1. From ev � ry___ moun-tain-side,
2. My he-a-rt with rap--ture fills
3. Let rocks their si - lence break,
4. Pro- tect us____ by Thy might,
5. Thy moun-tains wild and steep,--
6. Oh Land__ be - yond com- pare,
4th .3 .3 .3 .3__ -.3 -.4
1. Let_____ free-dom ring!____
2. Like____ that a -- bove.____
3. The_____ sound pro-long.____
4. Great___ God, our King!____
5. All_____ thy do - mains.___
6. We______ love thee best!____
4th 1 -1 -.1 .3_______
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