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Song Name: Going Home (jansman) By: jansman
Posted By: jansman Difficulty: Beginner
Key: A Genre: Solo
Harp Type: Diatonic
Created: 2022-01-16 00:20:05 Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

Song: Going Home (A harp E Mixolydian) ========== 5= -5= 6 77 -7-8 7= -7= -8 -7 7 6 -6= -6= -7 -6 6 5 -5= -6 6= x2 3! -3b -4 4! 3! -3b -4 4! 3! -3b -4 5= 44= x2 4 5 -5 -6 6! 4 5 -5 -6 6! 4 5 -5 -6 7= 6! 6= x2 5= -5= 6 77 -7-8 7= -7= -8 -7 7 6 -6= -6= -7 -6 6 5 -5= -6 6= 5= -5= 6 77 -7-8 7= -7= -8 -7 7 6 -6= -6= -7 -6 6 5 -5= -6 6 55= 3! -3b -4 4! 3! -3b -4 4! 3! -3b -4 5= 44= x2 4 5 -5 -6 6! 4 5 -5 -6 6! 4 5 -5 -6 7= 6! 6= x2 5= -5= 6 77 -7-8 7= -7= 7 6 -6 -5 6= 7 6 -6 -5 6= 7 6 -6 -5 6= 7= -7= -8= 7= 6! 66= 5= -5= 6 77 -7-8 7= -7= 7 6 -6 -5 6= 7 6 -6 -5 6= 7 6 -6 -5 6= 7= -7= -8= 7= (23)! -(123)==

TAB KEY ------- 4 blow -4 draw -4b draw bend (123) blow chord -(123) draw chord 6= extend 6== extend longer 6=== extend even longer -4b~ draw bend wah -4b~~~ draw bend wah wah wah -5~~~ draw wah wah wah 4! short/quick -3_-2 slide/glide between notes -5~-4 wah slide between notes X3 repeat number of times t(-4 -4b -3) triplet t(-4 -4b -3)x3 triplet repeat number of times 654321g glissando 6### stacatto/click (# for each click)