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Song Name: Cara Mia (Portal 2 Turret Opera) By: Valve
Posted By: Acearl Difficulty: Intermediate
Key: C Genre: General
Harp Type: Any
Created: 2017-07-16 21:41:30 Modified: 2017-07-20 18:00:53

Song: Underlines are half notes and played at twice the speed.
Also Bending the five, I know doesnt make a complete note but It sounds better. -3" -3'   4  -3'   -3"

-4 4
-3' -3" -3' 4 (pause)

-4 4 -3' 4 (pause)

-3' 4 -4 , 4 -3' -3' -3' 4 -3'
(Second verse)
-3" -3' 4 -5' -4 4
-4 4 -3' 4
(turret solo)
-4 4 -3' 4 -4

4 -3' 4 5 -5

-5' 5 4 -3' 4

4 -3' -3" -3'

(Turret Opera)
-3" -3 4 -3' -3" -4 4 -3' -3" (Italian)Ca - ra bella ca - ra mi - a bell-a (English)Beautiful dear, my darling Beauty!

-3' 4 5 4 4 -3' 4
mia bam - bi - i - na o ciel
my child, oh heaven

-3' 4 -4 -3" -4 4 -3'
Che la a sti -im -a
That she respects!

-3' 4 -4 -3" -4 4 -3'
Che la a sti - im - a
That she respects!

5 -4 -4 4 -4 4 -3' -3" -3' 5
O----> ca - ra mi - a a---------->ddio!
Oh my dear, Farewell.

-4 4 4 -3' -3' -3" -3'
La mia bam- bi - na ca -ra
My dear child

-5 -5 -4 4 -3' 4 -4 -4 4
per-che non pa - a - ssi lon -ta -na?
Why don't you walk far away?

-4 5 5 -4 4 -4 4 -3'
'Si lon-ta-na da Sci-en-za!
So far away from Science!

-3' 4 -4 4 -3' 4 -4 -5' -5' -4
Ca -ra, ca- ra mi -a bam-bi -na...
My dear, dear baby...

4 -3' 4 4
Ah, mia bell-a!
Ah, my beloved!

-3' -3" -3' 4
Ah, mia ca -ra!
Ah, my dear!

-4 4 -3' 4
Ah, mia ca -ra!
Ah, my dear!

-3' -3' 4 -4 4
Ah, mia bam-bi-na!
Ah, my little girl!
5 5 -4 4 -3' 4 -4
Oh ca-ra, ca - ra mia...
Oh dear, my dear...