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Song Name: Joy to the World! (ORCHESTRA) By: George Frideric Handel
Posted By: EarthDogHarpin Difficulty: Beginner
Key: C Genre: Christmas
Harp Type: Any
Created: 2014-08-23 18:33:25 Modified: 2014-08-23 18:33:25


Joy to the World! (ORCHESTRA)
By George Frideric Handel
Key of C Major
Range: C4 to C5

Tabbed for EITHER an ORCHESTRA tuned Diatonic
OR an ORCHESTRA tuned Chromatic

Tab Notations:   none = blow    - = draw
6__ = hold    6__-6 = Slide; move smoothly from one note to next.

6__ -6_ -5   5___   -4  4__   -3  3____
Joy To  The  World! The Lord  is  come!
Joy To  The  World! The Sa - vior reigns;
He rules the world with truth and grace

5   -5___   -5   -6___  -6   6____
Let earth   re - ceive  her  King!
Let  men   their songs  em - ploy;
and makes   the  na  -  tions prove

6     6__-6 -5_5 5___-4__4 6     6_-6 -5_5 5___-4 4
Let   ev - ‘ry   heart___  pre - pare  Him room____
While fields and floods,_ rocks, hills and plains__
the   glor - ies   of____  His   righ-tious-ness___

4   4      4    4    4_-4 5____
And heav’n and  na - ture sing,
Re - peat  the sound-ing  joy,_
And  won - ders of   His  love,

-4_4 -3     -3   -3   -3_4  -4___
And  heav’n and  na - ture  sing,
Re - peat  the sound- ing   joy,_
And  won - ders  of   His   love,

4_-3  3   6_  -5    5__-4_4 -4  4___ -3__ 3___
And   heav’n  and   heav’n  and na - ture sing!
Re –  peat__, re -  peat__  the sound-ing joy!
And   won  -  ders, won  -  ders of   His love!
