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Song Name: Silent Night! Holy Night! (Chromatic Solo) By: Franz Gruber & Joseph Mohr
Posted By: EarthDogHarpin Difficulty: Beginner
Key: C Genre: Christmas
Harp Type: Chromatic
Created: 2012-12-16 09:43:39 Modified: 2014-11-20 21:04:18


Silent Night! Holy Night! (Chromatic Solo)
Music By Franz Gruber    Words by Joseph Mohr
Key of C Major               Range C4 to F5

Tab notations:
none = blow    - = draw    * = button in     ___ = hold

   3__-3 3    2___   3__-3 3  2___
1. Si_ - lent night! Ho_ - ly night!
2. Si_ - lent night! Ho_ - ly night!
3. Si_ - lent night! Ho_ - ly night!
4. Si_ - lent night! Ho_ - ly night!

   -5_  -5_-4 -4___ 4__   4_3  3___
1. All  is    calm, All   is   bright
2. Shep-herds quake at    the  sight!
3. Son  of    God, love's pure light
4. Wond-rous  star, lend  thy  light!

   -3__  -3  -4*__-4 -3   3__  -3 3   2___
1. Round yon Vir__ - gin, Moth-er and Child
2. Glor_-ies stream  from heav-en a - far;
3. Rad - iant beams  from Thy  ho-ly  face,
4. With  the an___ - gels let____ us  sing

   -3__ -3    -4*__-4    -3  3__ -3  3   2___
1. Ho – ly_   In__-fant  so  Ten-der and mild,
2. Heav’n__ - ly   hosts sing Al-le- lu- ia!
3. With the   dawn of    re – deem - ing grace,
4. Al – le –  lu-  ia    to   our_______ King!

   -5__   -5  -6_   -5   -4  5___6___
1. Sleep  in  heav –en - ly  peace,__
2. Christ the Sav - iour is  born!___
3. Je__ - sus Lord  at   thy birth;__
4. Christ the Sav - iour is  here,___

   4__3   2    3__   -2    -1 1______
1. Sleep  in   heav – en - ly peace._
2. Christ the  Sav - iour is  born!__
3. Je__ - sus  Lord  at   thy birth._
4. Jesus  the  Sav - iour is  here!__
